Our Team

  • Renia Fick, President

    Renia grew up in Astoria, surrounded by a community of creative and generous grownups who made time and space for her to explore what they themselves loved about the world. An educator now, Renia reveres the awe these amazing people invited her into, and the feelings of worthiness, joy, and resilience that this inclusion nurtured. As a teacher at West Exchange School, she has witnessed the beauty of this culture continuing. Through AWE, her hope is to invite even more children to delight in the wonder, connection, and kindness our community is capable of.

  • Sarah Cobb, Vice President

    Sarah is a teacher with over 15 years of teaching experience. She currently is the director of West Exchange School in Astoria. Her hope for AWE is introducing and connecting children and young adults to the artists, teachers and ecologists in our amazing community in Astoria and its surrounding area. Sarah is originally from the east coast and loves living in Astoria with her partner, Andy, two kiddos and (too) many pets!

  • Tricia Almassi, Secretary

    Tricia has worked in education all of her adult life.She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Portland and later her Master’s in Teaching from the University of Washington. She has taught in a variety of educational settings ranging from childcare programs, charter, private and public elementary schools and even the Oregon Zoo. She has seen first hand how adults sharing their expertise and building relationships with children can open their eyes to possibilities they never knew existed. Tricia grew up in Astoria and after living in Portland, Seattle and Houston is happy to have returned to the Oregon coast to raise her two young children.

  • Mandy Flaitz, Treasurer

    Mandy has lived in Astoria since 2012 and works in the financial department at CREST (Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce). Inspired by her daughter’s love of art and the creative teachers of West Exchange School, she is honored to be a part of the AWE team and hopes to help create memorable events for the community.