About AWE

We are a group of educators on the North Oregon Coast who offer rich, inspiring educational opportunities to local students. During our years of experience working with children and young adults, we have noticed and been in awe of the many creative art, wellness and ecology experts who live in our area. We aim to connect these young people to guest speakers and experiences that inspired them to see the world with fresh eyes.  

We will do this through community workshops that will be open and free to the entire community. AWE will be collaborating with the Astoria Public Library to host monthly events. Examples of these events are: music classes, ecology talks, bilingual read alouds, poetry readings and yoga.

The second part of our mission is to support these local community members by paying them a fair wage when collaborating. These funds will be provided through a combination of grants, community sponsorship and fundraisers.

Whether you are a community member with additional questions, an artist, ecologist or wellness teacher or someone who would like to donate to our organization, we would love to hear from you.